From: Exit Staff
Kosovo’s Opposition Wins the Run-Off Election for Mayor of Prishtina

Perparim Rama, the candidate of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), will be the next mayor of Prishtina after defeating Arben Vitia of the ruling Vetevendosje Party (VV) in the run-off mayoral elections.

Vitia conceded before the counting was over, as it became clear that he would lose to Rama.

The result comes as a surprise because VV’s Vitia was widely considered the favourite. Vitia came first in the first round, which did not produce a majority winner, but seems to have failed to win the voters of the candidate that did not make it to the second round.

Vitia’s defeat is a major blow for Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti, who came to power eight months ago, winning an outright majority in Kosovo’s parliament.

LDK returns to the governing seat of Prishtina after 8 years of Vetevendosje’s rule.