Kosovo Parliament Passes Resolution against Serbian Referendum

The Parliament of Kosovo has passed a resolution against allowing a Serbian constitutional referendum to take place in Kosovo.

The 8-point resolution states that the referendum violates Kosovo’s sovereignty and is against the country’s constitution. It also reiterates that dual citizens are free to vote, but declares that opening voting centers to hold another country’s referendum in Kosovo territory is against Kosovo’s constitution and international law.

The resolution also emphasizes that Kosovo is against Serbia’s continuous attempts to instrumentalize and misuse Kosovo citizens of Serbian descent to further its hostile politics against Kosovo.

On Sunday (January 16), Serbia is holding a constitutional referendum to change how its judges and prosecutors are elected. The Serbian government has requested that voting centers be opened in Kosovo so that registered voters can participate in Serbia’s referendum.

EU High Representative Josep Borrell and the international community have called on Kosovo to allow these voting centers to be opened and to enable OSCE to collect the votes.

The government of Prime Minister Albin Kurti has refused these demands, stating that allowing the referendum to take place in Kosovo’s territory would violate its sovereignty. Kurti and Deputy Foreign Minister Kreshnik Ahmeti have reiterated that dual citizens can vote by mail or through the Serbian Liaison office in Prishtina.