The Special Prosecution against Corruption (SPAK) has arrested 17 police officers on charges of corruption following a joint operation between Kosovo and Albanian police at the Morine border crossing.
Police in both countries had undertaken a year-long investigation into corruption and bribery at the border crossing between Albania and Kosovo, resulting in the arrest and detainment of some 34 border officials, including 32 police officers.
Of the 32, 17 remain in prison, 14 are under house arrest and a further three have been suspended.
“The investigation has documented 312 episodes of corrupt actions by police officers who aided various individuals in the import of smuggled goods; individuals who trafficked vehicles and other illegal items; or helped various people prohibited from entering or exiting the EU, cross the border,” according to SPAK.
In March, Kosovo police forces arrested 48 border police and two custom officials on charges of bribery following a year-long anti-corruption operation.