Today Prime Minister Rama again invited PD leader Lulzim Basha for a dialogue. But even though the Prime Minister said that he is ready to meet with Basha whenever and wherever the opposition wants, he stressed that the main requests of the opposition for a caretaker government and postponement of the elections are unacceptable.
It’s not up to you [Lulzim Basha] nor anyone else to stop the elections. Even this government you won’t bring down, but the people will decide on June 18. Dialogue is the only road.
It is unclear what Prime Minister Rama actually wants to discuss in this “dialogue” with the opposition.
Basha immediately responded to Rama’s statements. He declared that the Democratic Party has appointed its negotiator a week ago, and is waiting for Rama to do the same thing.
According to Basha, a dialogue would be valuable as long as the aim is to separate crime and drugs from the state.
Become a man, negotiate. This requires courage from you, to leave crime behind. Let’s separate the government from crime, in such a way that a caretaker government gives the Albanians the sovereign right that has been taken away from it so often.