Emmanuel Macron, the center-left candidate, was elected yesterday France’s new president with 66 percent of the vote. His opponent, right-wing Marine Le Pen, despite aggressively attacking Macron during the campaign , yesterday after the result was announced, congratulated him on his victory.
Macron, 39, is France’s youngest president and the first outside the two traditional parties that have dominated French politics in recent decades.
It seems that the massive vote of the French for Macron showed that they support the stance on strengthening EU and the European currency, are pro-globalization and do not look to the immigrants as the reason for the terrorist attacks that took place in France. These repeated stances from Macron were opposed to those of Le Pen.
Macron also proposed a series of policies for budget cuts, increased labor market flexibility, and expansion of the state of social welfare.
“Voters chose Macron’s pro-business policies, as they have the potential to unlock the investments which have halted for a while and give new blood to the French market,” one of the international commentators said.
Voting for Emmanuel Macron as its president, France has found a new charismatic leader in the great battle between globalization and nationalism which is developing in Western democracies.
“In the next five yearsI will do all I can so no one else will have a reason to vote again for extremists. I will defend France and Europe. I will do everything to empower Europe and the people who comprise it, “Macron said in his victory speech in front of his supporters.