…after a long day and night of negotiations, the sides reached an agreement! These were the headlines reporting the event of the agreement. Then curiosity increased, as there was a general consensus to keep silent before the media and to distribute the news in the same format, under the name of McAllister+!
A difficult agreement, but among the twenty negotiation points… where was the expectation of many skeptics, non-supporters, opponents, the daily tent calculators, of those who cursed the words of every citizen and of Lulzim Basha, who celebrated when the internationals turned their backs to the process, who didn’t believe that the Democratic Party would be able to rise again after all the “slaps,” directed by a new leader… the “New Republic” was missing from the text, and they were worried.
The New Republic is a constitutional, institutional, and civil process. It is an unprecedented process in the current Albanian history and couldn’t be represented by just a paragraph in the agreement. The beginning of this process united everyone on February 18 on the main square, to stop the bad governance of the Renaissance (Rilindja), colored purple like pain; to stop drugs that have spread poison all over Albania putting it at the top of international statistics for drug cultivation and trafficking; to stop the crime that has permeated in every aspect of social and economic life and has captured the government; and to demand free elections, as the pillar of a democratic cohabitation in Albania, the pillars of welfare, security, and a European future that we desire so much.
For ninety days, inside a tent placed right in between two institutions which are poisoned by crime, the New Republic was first mentioned as hope for this country, reflecting and reminiscing together with the citizens, artists, students, professors, unemployed men and women, retired citizens, orphans, entrepreneurs, etc. about the reasons, the ways, and the shapes in which the old republic sought refuge under the protection of crime. The old republic was transformed in the republic of drugs in Albania and Europe. Day after day, the Albanians mustered up some courage and went into the tent. They listened and made proposals on the Square of Freedom, they were released from fear and joined in the alternative of a New Republic, with the main purpose to end once and for all the old republic, to establish a real republic for every Albanian citizen, the new republic of law, democracy, of free and fair elections, and real justice. A long process…
The New Republic is a process toward the unification of all Albanians, of those who have been suppressed, insulted, violated, conned, mistreated, unemployed, desperate, because of a failed government and a country linked to crime, their rotten dreams for a better life, for a calmer family life, for a future among the relatives they love, for a life close to their homes, not wandering on the streets of Europe.
The New Republic is a process that will not be built on top of old enmities, the foundation cannot be the old republic, which treats business as a battleground, using competition to harm it, humiliate it, and exert every last penny from it. The old republic left many high school graduates out of university and increased the chaos for thousands of others who were forced to interrupt their studies, a republic that the former politically persecuted were also politically humiliated.
The New Republic is a process that aims to achieve an independent and fair system of justice, where each and everyone of us, from the citizens to the president would be equal and will only get their fair share as provided by the law. An unadulterated system of justice characterized by a sense of guarantee for the future, for any opposition, what the current opposition is so stubbornly demanding: free and fair elections. It takes a process of trust to believe in the leader, to believe in the Party, in the team, and the future that he aspires with the program of the New Republic.
These are facts. It happened that the New Republic couldn’t be represented by a paragraph in the agreement, because the political will makes the difference. The New Republic is an existential battle, a historical battle that will be inspired by the power, assertiveness, and resistance of a united people.
Lulzim Basha is fully aware that with the movement of the New Republic, he has mobilized his political adversaries. He was conscious that this movement was an act, but the the creation and development of it consists of a long process, laid out in time, supported by human capital with political, moral and professional values. He is fully aware that every good work starts with self, from the “common home,” from the Party that he leads. The way has commenced with a clear vision. It is certain, adamant, and has the support of all the humble Albanian citizens, that with a New Republic Albania will be like Europe.
I believe in the New Republic, and its immediate creation!
Let June happen!