After the Piepoli/Report TV poll of June 13, also the IPR/Ora News poll confirmed yesterday a general rise of the PS. From the 2013 election result of 41.3%, and earlier polling numbers of 43% and 45%, the most recent IPR poll put the PS at 48% of the popular vote.
Compared to the previous poll on June 7, the PD dropped 5% to 32%. LSI’s share of the vote remains stable around 13%.
A surprise result is also the poll in the electoral zone of Shkodra, where PS and PD both score 41%, while the region was still solidly PD during the municipal elections of 2015 and the 2013 general elections. Piepoli even predicts a landslide victory for the PS with 51%.
At the same time, there seems to be an increasing number of Albanians who will not vote on June 25. While on May 31 62.1% indicated that they would vote, this number has now dropped to 54.7%. From the numbers above we may conclude that a lower turnout mainly appears to affect the PD.