Prosecutor Anila Leka To Face Vetting Today

General Prosecution Office prosecutor Anila Leka’s vetting hearing with the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) will take place today.

The KPK judicial body will be comprised of Firdes Shuli, Roland Ilia and Suela Zhegu.

Leka is part of a priority vetting list as she is a candidate for the High Prosecutorial Council (KLP).

Anila Leka began her prosecutor career in 2004. Besides working in the General Prosecution, she also was employed as an expert in the College of Law.

According to the analysis of her wealth, carried out by BIRN, based on the wealth declarations since 2004, Anila Leka’s main income source is her wage as prosecutor.

In 2004, Anila Leka’s wealth reached 4 million, whereas, at the end of 2016, her wealth had increased to 10,4 million lekë, by a factor of 2.6.

Today, KPK will also announce the ruling concerning the reconfirmation of Kurbin judge Marçela Shehu, whose hearing was held on June 1. At the conclusion of the hearing, KPK did not find any infractions in Shehu’s wealth declarations, image, or professional abilities.

Vetting results so far

So far, judges Vitore Tusha and Manjola Xhaxho and prosecutor Fatjona Memçaj have successfully passed the vetting process and have been reconfirmed.

The Constitutional Court judge Besnik Ymeraj resigned, but his file was referred by KPK to the prosecution office for investigation, while judges Fatos Lulo, Besnik Trezhnjeva, Altina Xhoxhaj and Fatmir Hoxha and prosecutor Besa Nikëhasani were fired for failing to justify their wealth.

Meanwhile, other judges and prosecutors have resigned without undergoing the vetting process. You can find more on resignations and dismissals of the judiciary system members once after the enactment of the Justice Reform here and here.