On 4 February 2020, the LGBTI Civic Engagement Programme: Politics and Representation for the Advancement of the LGBTI Community Rights in Albania findings will be presented in Tirana.
Spearheaded by Arber Kodra from the OMSA and in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the European Union and the Council of Europe ‘Horizontal Facility II for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022” an event will be held at the Centre for Openness and Dialogue (COD).
Following the conclusion of the research “Political Participation of LGBTI People in Albania”, a working programme and recommendations stemming from it will be presented to those in attendance. The event will constitute a gathering place for representatives from the political parties in the country, members of parliament, government, youth political forums, European parliamentarians, LGBTI activists from Albania and from the region, as well as representatives of the international community operating in the country.
The research included interviews with a series of stakeholders in Albania, including politicians, officials, LGBTI activists, and foreign representatives. It aimed to identify the existing reality of LGBTI individuals in Albanian politics and to suggest entry points to both improve, and facilitate better rates of participation and representation.
Kodra stated that it is of the utmost importance that political parties engage with the LGBTI community if they are to make meaningful progress as a part of their platform on human rights.
The event will start at 10 am and remarks will be given by Kodra, Minister of Health Ogerta Manastirliu, Deputy Head of Parliament Vasilika Hysi, People’s Advocate Commissioner Ms Vilma Shurdha, the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination Robert Gajda, Vice Mayor of Tirana Anisa Ruseti, Ambassador of EU in Albania H. E. Luigi Soreca (TBC) and Deputy Head of the Council of Europe in Tirana Mr Olsi Dekovi.