Academy of Sciences Elects New Chairman, Rama Cuts Funding

Mathematician Gudar Beqiraj has today been elected the new Chairman of the Academy of Sciences. Of the 30 members of the Academy, 27 votes in favor and 3 against his candidacy. Beqiraj was the former Deputy Chairman of the institution (2014–2017) and its Chairman (2009–2014).

Archeologist Mysafer Kortiku was elected Deputy Chairman, after first having been Chairman (2014–2017). There were no other candidates.

In a Facebook post, Prime Minister Edi Rama called the elections a “farce” and threatened to cut off the funding of Academy of Sciences should they proceed with the elections.

Since the “Academy” chose a farce I hope they fund the funds to continue this farce. Our funds will go to the universities for scientific research!

The Prime Minister was joined in his criticism by Artan Fuga, one of his most vocal critics and member of the Academy.