From: Exit Staff
Albania Joins Kosovo in Boycotting Nobel Ceremony over Literature Prize Winner

Albania will boycott the Nobel Prize Awards ceremony on December, 10 in protest to literature award winner Peter Hanke’s support of the “butcher of the Balkans” Slobodan Milosevic.

The Albanian Embassy in Sweden wrote on a Facebook post that it had informed organizers it would boycott the ceremony to express “solidarity with the suffering at that time of Albanian brothers in Kosovo, who were among those who endured the worst from the Serbian genocide of Milosevic.”

One day earlier, Kosovo also announced it would boycott the ceremony for the same reason, and called on Albania to do the same.

The announcement of Handke’s award win in October sparked widespread outrage among Bosniaks, Albanians, other nations affected by Milosevic’s brutal wars, as well as international witnesses.