Albanian Defence Minister Niko Peleshi has called on the youth to join the armed forces during a recruitment drive in Elbasan this week.
Accompanied by Chief of General Staff Major General Bajram Begam, the mayor of Elbasan and various deputies, Peleshi visited the city in central Albania to motivate youngsters to sign up. During his speech, he said, “we extend an invitation to become a part of the armed forces because we have managed to give a dignified direction starting from the salary.”
“As you know, we have a 30% increase in salary from soldier to general, which means that if you join today, you receive a salary of more than 50,000 lek. But it’s not only that, to be a member of the armed forces means to be part of that group of Albanian citizens who are the most trusted in public opinion, questionnaires, and are the institution where citizens place the most trust.”
He added that Albanian soldiers have been present in NATO missions for over 20 years including Afghanistan, Bosnia, Africa, Iraq and Kosovo.
The recruitment drive will continue until 20 January and there are some 400 vacancies to fill. Applications are open to all of those aged between 18-27 and with secondary education or above.