Together with Ukraine and Georgia, Albania is the poorest country in Europe.
According to data of the IMF, the average income in Albania was $4203 per person. Of the 190 countries surveyed, Albania is ranked 109th, in the 40% of the poorest countries in the world.
Albanian income levels are at 1/8 of those in the EU, which are $32,192 on average per year.
In comparison with 2015, average income has risen with $260 per person, which is a lower growth number than in 2014, 2013, 2012, or 2011.
Ten year ago, in 2006, Albania was in the position, at the 106th place, with an average income of $2975.
Within the Balkans, Slovenia has the highest average income, with $21,000 per person, followed by Croatia with $12,095.