From: Exit Staff
Albanian Asylum Applications in EU Rose in June as Travel Restrictions Lifted

334 Albanians applied for asylum in June 2020, there were 401 first instance decisions and almost 5000 pending cases.

Four were granted asylum and 17 received subsidiary protection in EU Member States.

The data shows an increase in the previous months of April and May where travel was more restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to lockdown, there were over 1000 applications, equivalent to 37 applications a day.

During June, 31,500 applications were lodged in the EU, three times as many as during May, but still lower than pre-COVID-19 levels. Most applicants were from Syria, Afghanistan and Columbia. Some 37% of the total decisions issued in June, granted EU protection.

Albania remains one of the leading European countries and top 10 in the world for asylum seekers in the EU.