From: Exit Staff
Albanian Business Owners in Vlora Protest COVID-19 Curfew

Owners of bars and restaurants in Vlora have protested again over the weekend, asking for further relaxation on anti-COVID-19 measures.

Currently, music is banned after 22:00 and they are expected to close at midnight. On Sunday, some establishments played the national anthem full blast in protest.

Last week, representatives of small businesses asked the Ministry of Health to lift the curfew and reverse the decision to stop music at 22:00. They said the current rules mean they are struggling to stay in business.

“Given the low number of cases of COVID-19 infections as well as the mortality rate, we call on the government to find a solution and review the curfew hours still in force, as the economic difficulties we are facing are leading us to bankruptcy,” reads their statement. 

Their request comes two days ago after business owners in the coastal city of Vlora staged their first protest against current lockdown measures that continue despite the start of tourist season. 

Business owners also spoke against the police who, according to them, continue to terrorize their customers. They warned that if the government fails to respond to their requests, they will shut down their activity next week.