Albanian President Calls for Urgent Meeting with Speaker of Parliament on EU Integration and Constitutional Court

President Ilir Meta has asked Speaker of Parliament Gramoz Ruci to discuss the formation of the Constitutional Court according to the Venice Commission opinion, as the main of many conditions for the start of EU accession negotiations.

Speaking to journalists on Friday, Meta announced he had officially asked Ruci for a meeting at any time suitable for the Speaker of Parliament.

Meta’s invitation follows the opinion of the Venice Commission on the appointment of Constitutional Court judges which sided with the President regarding the constitutional dispute between him, the Parliament and Justice Appointments Council.

It also follows the US Ambassador Yuri Kim’s assessment that the opinion was neutral, as well as her call on the President and Parliament to work together for future appointments.

Meta said he is eager to discuss the Venice Commission’s recommendations, and find the best way to implement them.

He stressed the importance of forming the Constitutional Court as the main condition for EU accession talks. “The German Parliament, European Commission, European Parliament, Danish Parliament etc. will have the Venice Commission opinion in its original version,” Meta stated, possibly referring to its different interpretations in the media.

He called on all institutions to implement the necessary policies and take action to meet the EU Council’s conditions to start accession negotiations.

President Meta said he remains decisively open to cooperate with all institutions in order to advance the implementation of justice reform and return people’s trust in it by complying with the Constitution, not with particular interests.