From: Exit Staff
Albanian President Clashes with Police Evicting Opposition Party from Offices  

Albania President Ilir Meta and Tirana municipal police clashed on Friday, when the latter attempted to evict the opposition New Democratic Spirit (FRD) party from its offices lent by the municipality.

The FRD signed a coalition agreement with the main opposition party about two week ago, which was followed by a municipality request to vacate its offices. 

On Friday, the head of the FRD, Sali Shehu, held a press conference denouncing police pressure in his party offices, claiming they held an unsigned order demanding the party to leave its offices immediately.

President Meta arrived at FRD’s offices shortly after the news was broadcast and asked the police to leave, amidst raised tensions. The unusual incident was caught on camera by several televisions.

He later accused the municipality of using the police for political purposes, and called on police to refrain from violating the law. Meta urged the opposition to defend itself before the April elections.

In its “written order” delivered to the FRD, the municipality claims that the building is in need of restoration. 

“Meta is going through a phase of total degeneration, totally psychic, mental, as he is an alcoholic. As a municipality, we have a very good rehabilitation center for alcoholic and violent people, and we would be very happy to offer this service,” Mayor Veliaj told Report TV regarding the incident.

municipality letter unsigned
The unsigned order delivered to the New Democratic Spirit by the Municipality, asking them to vacate offices for restoration needs.