Albanian Prime Minister bullied a journalist for not wearing a mask during a press statement on Saturday.
Minister of Health Ogerta Manastirliu was speaking to journalists today to announce the start of vaccination for teachers, when Rama asked Fax News journalist Edona Haklaj why she was not wearing a mask. The journalist replied that she forgot it in the car, all the while trying to keep her mouth covered with her scarf. Rama then pushed her away, telling her “go get it, go get it”.
The incident was condemned by President Ilir Meta, who stressed the Prime Minister’s alleged “violence and bullyism” against free media and women journalists. Meta pointed at a recent incident when Rama made sexist comments toward former opposition MP Grida Duma, and called on organizations defending the rights of women and journalists to condemn the incident.
Former opposition MP Albana Vokshi also denounced Rama’s alleged “frequent verbal and physical violence” against women and journalists.