From: Exit News
Albanian Prime Minister Criticizes Russian Embassy’s ‘Ridiculous Provocation’ over Vaccines

Albanian Prime Minister has criticized the Russian Embassy in Albania for offering his government to negotiate with Russia the purchase of its “Sputnik-V” vaccine, following Rama’s complaint about the European Union’s vaccine distribution plan.

Yesterday, the Russian Embassy in Tirana reminded the government that the Sputnik vaccine was available if needed.

Rama called the post “inappropriate” and “ridiculous”.

“I thought it was a meme, because for a serious state it is completely inappropriate to make such provocations. When I say provocation I do not mean to deliver a diplomatic demarche to Russia, because this is a ridiculous provocation. And it is not good for a serious country like Russia to become ridiculous with such posts[…] I express my regret for this[…]”

The Albanian Prime Minister said he would welcome an apology by the Russian Embassy, even just for the misunderstanding.

In addition, he said that Albania is now focused to get vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech, Astrazeneca and Moderna, but that his government does not judge other vaccines, be they from Russia, China or other countries.