From: Exit News
American Chamber of Commerce Warns of Coronavirus Impact on Albanian Economy

President of American Chamber of Commerce in Albania Enio Jaço told the Voice of America that the situation the world is facing as a result of the coronavirus will also affect Albania’s economy.

Jaço said that it is not too early to start thinking about how the economy will handle the spread of the coronavirus.

Regarding the international funds pledged as post-earthquake reconstruction aid, Jaço advised that, whereas the government has some experience managing international loans, the management of grants is novel and requires higher implementation capabilities than what has been demonstrated so far.

Jaço chose not to comment on the tax amnesty proposed by the government, until a concrete and detailed proposal is presented. A tax amnesty bill, he advised, must be carefully drafted in order to ensure it doesn’t violate international trade agreements signed by Albania, and must meet the provisions of public consultation legislation.