One of the reasons for the mass exodus of Albanian youth could be related to the fact they have the...

One of the reasons for the mass exodus of Albanian youth could be related to the fact they have the...
Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla has reiterated that the country will never accept an Association of Serb Municipalities with executive...
On the 24th anniversary of the massacre of Racak committed by Serbian forces against Kosovo Albanians in 1999, Prime Minister...
Albania was hit by a 5.2 magnitude earthquake on Sunday evening, 10km from the town of Klos and 46 km...
Thirty years after establishing diplomatic relations between Albania and Ukraine, the former announced it would open an embassy in Kyiv....
Infectious diseases and the lack of infrastructure to protect against cyber attacks are the two main fears of Albanian executives,...
Vienna stands ready to send additional soldiers to support the NATO-led peace forces in Kosovo (KFOR) to reinforce the mission,...
The Albanian Minister of Eduation Evis Kushi announced that public schools in Albania would be staffed with police officers to...
Governments of the Western Balkans, particularly Albania, must expedite reforms, including those in clean energy and renewables, to reap environmental...
As winter draws in and snow settles on the peaks and hills of Kosovo, the permeating odour from burning firewood...