PD leader Lulzim Basha accused Prime Minister Edi Rama of abandoning small businesses and allowing oligarchs to rob Albania. During a meeting with small business owners, who are now obligated by the Rama government to pay VAT, Basha made clear his and the opposition’s support.
Basha took the opportunity to also announce a protest against the inclusion of small businesses in the new VAT tax scheme. Today, at 11 a.m., hundreds of small businesses will temporarily close their doors in protest.
Earlier, the IMF had already opposed the lowering of the VAT threshold proposed in the new tax law.
Some of Basha’s main statements included:
We have been, remain, and will remain always on your side. Rise up! There is no other way. Words have lost meaning; only actions will bring back hope to this country.
Edi Rama and his politically motivated investigations don’t scare us. Let them come and arrest me first. Don’t be afraid, they can’t arrest all of us.
What we have here is a handful of people who rob the majority and give to a minority. As long as we don’t put a stop to this, it will only go downhill from here.
With regards to small businesses, I call them to rise up, refuse them, close your doors, boycott the VAT increase in any way you can.
The inclusion of small businesses in the VAT tax scheme will raise costs. It will lead to bankruptcy for thousands of small businesses, leading, thus, to unemployment, increase of the price of basic necessities, and an increase in tax evasion, so the state won’t profit, either.
There is a political element that unites all these criminal acts: the VAT, the Rruga e Kombit highway toll, the destruction of the National Theater.
This Prime Minister loathes any independence. This is why he seeks to destroy small businesses, and deliver its business to a handful of oligarchs that are selling Albania away.
These are all features of a criminal regime. This government robs the majority to give to the minority.