Basha Calls for 1-on-1 Debate with Rama

Yesterday PD leader Lulzim Basha opened the electoral campaign in Peshkopi, Dibra, where he once again challenged Prime Minister Rama for 1-on-1 television debate:

Yesterday I said it from Fier, today I repeat it from Dibra: an invitation for a live debate on television. What are your accomplishments as Prime Minister? What are my accomplishments as opposition leader? What is your program Edi Rama? And what is my program for the New Republic? Do not deny the Albanians a debate! Don’t be afraid of a debate! Answer and join me!

The opposition leader also accused Prime Minister Rama of impoverishing the country and every family in Dibra. Basha asked the women of Dibra to ask Rama later in the afternoon about his failed promises of free healthcare, employment, and the improvement of the economy.

Basha promised that he would be the prime minister of workers and families in need, and not a prime minister of palm trees.

The economy will be my first priority. We have an excellent plan drafted with the help of the [German] CDU. The economy will change. It will release positive energy and open new work places.

In Dibra the PD has listed Dhurata Çupi, Xhemal Gjunkshi, Edmond Isaku, Sulejman Gjana, and Denisa Vata. In 2013, the PD won a majority of 3 seats in this region.