From: Die Morina van Uijtregt
Billboard Supporting KLA Vandalized in Kosovo

A billboard with the message “Freedom Has a Name” supporting the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) members indicted by the Hague- based Specialist Chambers on war crimes, placed close to a Serb- majority municipality was damaged on Tuesday morning.

“Police units immediately went at the location and based on the first information it is suspected that the damage happened in the early hours of this morning,” the spokesperson of Kosovo Police for Prishtina region, Agron Borovci told Exit News.

He stated that an investigation on the circumstances and the identification of persons who may have been involved is currently initiated.

The billboard was placed in Kishnica village, inhabited by an Albanian majority, but is part of the territory of Gracanica, which is one of the ten Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo.

Gracanica’s mayor, Srdjan Popovic from the biggest Kosovo Serb party, the Serbian List, demanded the removal of the billboard on Monday.

“If this does not happen, we will ask a reaction from the embassies and the International Community, so that they use their authority and credibility they have in order to remove the content from the billboard,” a post of the Serbian List quotes Popovic.

“Liria ka Emer, UCK” [Freedom has a Name, KLA] started as a campaign following the confirmation of an indictment on war crimes against four senior figures of KLA, Hashim Thaci, Kadri Veseli, Jakup Krasniqi and Rexhep Selimi by the Specialist Chambers in The Hague.

“Freedom has a Name is an initiative of a goodwill group to start a debate on the new history of Kosovo and the need for a comprehensive collective memory in the path of a collective pride in the future,” reads the Facebook page of the initiative.