Business Climate Worsens, Corruption on the Rise

According to a survey of the Foreign Investors Association of Albania, the investment situation in Albania has worsened compared to 2015. Of all 70 companies surveyed, 78% considers the court system to be a problem, while 72% of the respondents list corruption as major obstacle.

Six out of the seven top obstacles have increased in severity from 2015. Issues with courts and corruption have both grown 12%, whereas the problems with the efficiency of administrative court have increased with 20%, from 48% to 68%.

Nearly half of the companies surveyed report competition from informal or unregistered firms.

78% of the companies believes that increased fight against corruption will improve their performance on the Albanian market. At the same time, 71% of the companies report that using personal or political connections can significantly change the results of an audit or tax inspection.

As regards the judicial reform, a majority of companies, 69%, feels it is informed about its implementation, and 63% feels that it will be (somewhat) successful. Most of the respondent mention the fight against corruption as the one area in which the implementation of the judicial reform could bear fruit.

Of all companies, 64% considers the overall conditions of doing business in Albanian unfavorable.