Environment & Society
Also Students Start Protest

Also Students Start Protest

After the protests of the inhabitants of the Lapraka and Astir neighborhood about forced and illegal expropriations for the Outer...

The Balkanista Christmas Market!

The Balkanista Christmas Market!

I have many friends that are artisans – jewelry designers, beauty product makers, illustrators and more, and I love purchasing...

A Visit To Berat’s Only Jewish Museum

A Visit To Berat’s Only Jewish Museum

The “Solomoni” Museum in Berat is dedicated to the city’s extensive Jewish history and the coexistence between Jews, Muslims, Orthodox,...

Street Art Of Tirana

Street Art Of Tirana

I try to walk in Tirana as much as possible and I love discovering secret streets and alleys that are...

Donald Dervishi Strikes Again!

Donald Dervishi Strikes Again!

This article was originally published on The Balkanista. A few months ago, I told you the story of a young...


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