Over the last 36 hours heavy thunderstorms and excessive rainfall have caused the first victims, while the entire country has...

Over the last 36 hours heavy thunderstorms and excessive rainfall have caused the first victims, while the entire country has...
Yesterday, Speaker of Parliament and Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) leader Ilir Meta held a meeting with environmental specialists and representatives of...
The portrait of Ardit Gjoklaj, the 17-year-old worker killed at the landfill in Sharra in August 2016 can now be found...
In a speech at the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the foundation of the Agricultural University in Tirana, Prime...
Kelmend Balili, the former director of the Regional Directorate of Road Transport Services in Saranda, currently accused for international drug...
A recently published study by Swiss researchers Mireille Widmer and Irene Pavesi from the Center of Security Studies on firearms...
Today Prime Minister Edi Rama made a visit to the High School of the Arts (Liceu Artistik) in Tirana. During...
Since a few days, the "Cloud" pavilion by renowned Japanese metabolist architect Sou Fujimoto, installed in front of the National...
Two of the political activists from left-wing grassroots organization Organizata Politike, Klodian Leka and Bislim Lakna, were arrested yesterday night,...
In October 2015, Endri Fuga, former co-founder of Mjaft and Propaganda Boss at the Office of Prime Minister Edi Rama...