The epilogue to a story that has been rumored for a few months now has further developed these past days in the...
At the tail end of winter, on a last day of February, along the seaside of Divjaka, somewhere in the...
An electoral assembly that turns into an arena of flattery for the boss and messages that are repeated over and over....
Last week, the Council of Minister approved the Action Plan against the Cultivation and Trafficking of Cannabis 2017–2020. It appears...
At a work visit in Vlora today, EU Ambassador Romana Vlahutin responded to questions of journalists about the current political...
Nostalgia for the Cultural Revolution is manifested in China in various ways, from hoarding Mao memorabilia, singing “red songs”, to...
The issue whether to broadcast propaganda movies produced by Kinostudio has caused a divisive debate (for and against, communists and anticommunists,...
The Assembly of the Socialist Party in Kavaja has made a selection of six candidates for the Municipality of Kavaja...
Picture a port city where hundreds of ships arrive every day carrying goods from as far away as Alexandria, Egypt,...