In today's issue, national newspaper Panorama claims that “opposition leader Lulzim Basha and his close relatives are being surveilled by...

In today's issue, national newspaper Panorama claims that “opposition leader Lulzim Basha and his close relatives are being surveilled by...
Yesterday, media outlet Boldnews published several documents related to a potential conflict of interest of KPK Commissioner Suela Zhegu, who...
Albania is the country with the largest number of citizens seeking asylum in the EU, and especially in the Netherlands,...
All the appeals filed by the Public Commissioner regarding judges and prosecutors who have resigned were filed after the deadlines...
Yesterday, the Appeals Chamber decided to postpone the Public Commissioner’s hearing appealing the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) ruling to interrupt...
Nearly 13% of the Albanian population has applied for the 2018 US Visa Lottery. According to data published by the...
The National Inspectorate for the Protection of the Territory (IKMT) has filed a lawsuit against the current and former mayors...
Today, the prosecutors of the Tahiri–Habilaj case, Besim Hajdarmataj and Vladimir Mara, will interrogate Moisi Habilaj, Nezar Seiti, and Meridian...
The Italian Ambassador to Albania, Alberto Cutillio, expressed Italy’s support for the opening of EU accession negotiations with Albania. During...
The Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) announced at the start of the week that Islamaj’s hearing would be held on June...