Yesterday, the Democratic Party accused Minister of Internal Affairs Fatmir Xhafaj of defending his brother, Agron Xhafaj, convicted of being...

Yesterday, the Democratic Party accused Minister of Internal Affairs Fatmir Xhafaj of defending his brother, Agron Xhafaj, convicted of being...
In a speech he gave yesterday at the occasion of Europe Day, Prime Minister Edi Rama attacked and mocked the...
Today Temporary General Prosecutor Arta Marku dismissed Serious Crimes Prosecutor Besim Hajdarmataj without giving any formal reason. Donika Prela, previously the...
The EU-Western Balkans summit in Sofia risks being a failure. Even though EU Member States agree on the contents of...
A fact-finding mission of the Dutch Parliament recently arrived in Tirana to gather data concerning the real progress of Albania...
Credible sources, independently confirmed by Exit, have witnessed at least two cases of persons responsible for carrying out investigations for...
As is customary in Albania, diplomats edging toward the end of their tenure relax their habits and start checking off...
After German MPs, it seems the Netherlands, too, is pushing back against the European Commission’s Progress Report that recommended the...
Constitutional Court judge Fatmir Hoxha seems to have no irregularities in his wealth declarations and is going to be reconfirmed...