Shpëtim Idrizi, leader of the Party for Justice, Integration, and Unity (PDIU) declared yesterday evening that his party is ready...

Shpëtim Idrizi, leader of the Party for Justice, Integration, and Unity (PDIU) declared yesterday evening that his party is ready...
In an interview with Eni Vasili, PD leader Lulzim Basha pushed back against Prime Minister Edi Rama's rhetoric that his coalition...
In an interview with his "friend" Ilva Tare, Prime Minister Edi Rama responded to the accusations of the LSI that...
The police has started an investigation into Mayor of Kamza Xhelal Mziu (PD), after the latter declared during an electoral...
Today the LSI filed a lawsuit at the General Prosecution against Prime Minister Edi Rama against the latter's statements in which...
Now that the vetting institutions have been installed, the actual reassessment process can start. But for anyone – be they...
In an interview with the Voice of America, Minister of Interior Affairs Dritan Demiraj announced yesterday that he sought the...
The Central Election Commission (KQZ) has issued a warning to all parties that six days before the elections the inaction of...
Director-General of the State Police, Haki Çako, today responded to the accusations of the LSI and its request for his...
This weekend, the Albanian Parliament approved the 27 members of the vetting institutions, the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK), the Appeals College...