Yesterday, the Central Election Commission (KQZ) voted in favor of redistributing the positions in the vote counting groups (GNV), by...

Yesterday, the Central Election Commission (KQZ) voted in favor of redistributing the positions in the vote counting groups (GNV), by...
The Albanian standard of evaluation: five of the most active deputies in parliament were not included again in the candidate lists...
President-Elect Ilir Meta has made it clear that he will use his function as President, which he will take up...
In an interview with journalist Rudina Xhunga, PD leader Lulzim Basha rejected the claim of Prime Minister Edi Rama that the...
In an unprecedented and aggressive manner, European Commission spokesperson Maja Kocijančič sent a letter to New Europe news website, in...
As Exit has reported before, the EU Representation in Albania has been completely silent in public either about the five...
After a recent unconfirmed report that EU Ambassador Romana Vlahutin is under the investigation of European Anti-Fraud Office OLAF, Exit has...
In his weekly monologue, Prime Minister Edi Rama declared that if the Socialist Party does not manage to win 71...
The attention of the public opinion in Albania has once again turned to the Ombudsman. In the course of recent...