Marking the sixth anniversary of the murder of four civilians in front of the Prime Ministry, left-wing activist group Orginazata Politike...

Marking the sixth anniversary of the murder of four civilians in front of the Prime Ministry, left-wing activist group Orginazata Politike...
On Wednesday, the Academy of Sciences elected with a simple majority, and in violation of the law, its members and deputy...
Yesterday was the application deadline for the position of National Ombudsman. This was the second time that the parliamentary Law...
With Prime Minister Edi Rama in Singapore on a trade mission, opposition leader Lulzim Basha attending the inauguration of the...
Martin Luther King says that “Our lives end when we keep silent about things that bother us.” This adage could...
At the end of December the parliamentary law commission unexpectedly reopened the application process of the National Ombudsman. Even though the...
Yesterday the names of the candidates to be nominated by the magistrature for the High Judicial Council (KLGj) and High...
Today, the High Inspectorate of the Declaration and Control of Wealth and Conflict of Interest (ILDKPKI) has started the control and...
In an interview on Sunday, US President-Elect Donald Trump repeated that the "NATO is obsolete," and that many NATO members...
Justice Minister Ylli Manjani (LSI) talked last evening to Sokol Balla about the future of the ruling government coalition, drug cultivation, and the...