From: Alice Taylor Taylor
CEC Signs Contract for Biometric Election Technology

The Central Election Commission has signed a contract with the company “Smartmatic International Holding BV” for the implementation of technology in the April 25 elections, according to media sources.

The CEC qualified the winning firm on January 15, 2020. Smartmatic was the only company to submit a bid to the CEC for the implementation of election technology.

The company has estimated a cost of about $20 million to implement biometric identification.

“Smartmatic International Holding B. V, within the legal deadlines presented the documentation, technical solution, and economic offer worth: 19,975,774.23 USD without VAT and converted into Lek referring to the official exchange rate of the Bank of Albania for 23.12.2020 with value: 2,016,354,627.56 ALL without VAT. ”

Smartmatic is an international company that provides election software and technology to many countries. Their website says their technologies have been used in 25 countries and they have never had a security breach. Recently, they came under fire from angry Trump supporters who said that the company and machines were used to “rig” the American 2020 general election. No evidence was presented and no court has found any irregularities. Smartmatic demanded a retraction of the allegations from several media outlets.