Cham Issue Not Discussed in Naval Border Negotiations with Greece

Albania and Greece may come to an agreement for the naval border within the first few days of June, but the agreement will very likely be on Greek terms. Greek Minister for Foreign Affairs Nikos Kotzias told Greek media outlet SKAI yesterday that the “Cham issue,” dealing with the ethnic cleansing of Albanians in the Chameria region, would not be part of the discussions.

I hope we will reach an agreement by the end of May. If not then, than at the start of June.

Kotzias stated that the negotiations, which began Monday with a meeting in Tirana, and “were conducted in a constructive climate of cooperation.”

However, the minister was clear that the Cham issue was not on the table because Greece doesn’t have a Cham issue. Kotzias also explained that the discussion of the property relates to the “infamous law of war” with Albania, which still remains to be withdrawn by the Greek Parliament.

Following the agreement with Albania, Greece will begin negotiations with Italy.