From: Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei
Citizens Will Pay the Prize of a Coalition with Rama

Prime Minister Rama is continuing his promotion tour in which he sit “knee to knee” with the people of Albania to listen to their worries and expound on the importance of his “co-governance platform with the common people.”

Can we imagine the French President Emmanuel Macron, fresh from his victory in which his party won an absolute majority, touring around in France listen to the people and basing his policy on whatever they tell him? Can we imagine him setting up a hotline, so that disgruntled citizens can complain about their local mayor? Can we imagine him publishing a list online of the 100 French civil servants who showed bad behavior?

It would be absurd to imagine such a thing, but it is happening here every day.

The reason is twofold: Edi Rama has no policy plan and Edi Rama is afraid to take the full responsibility for the absence of such a policy plan on his own.

Throughout the last four years, we have seen Edi Rama blame the failures of his government first on the “legacy” of the PD government of Sali Berisha, and toward the end on the “baking tray” of the LSI and “small parties.” His own government or party, so it seems, cannot be blamed for anything. In no way the Socialist Party held itself accountable for what it did (not) deliver the last four years – “the other” was always to blame.

And now, faced with the daunting responsibility of an absolute majority in Parliament, Prime Minister Edi Rama is looking for someone else to blame after four years of more corrupt tenders, destruction of natural parks, stacking up hidden government debts, failure to stop the massive emigration, and complete lack of foreign investments.

He will blame the citizens of Albania. “I was in a coalition with the citizens of Albania, but they only complained and didn’t do any of the work,” he will say. “They only talked about the court cases for their property, so the railways were never built,” he will argue. “The justice reform failed because the common people only cared about themselves,” he will declare.

Beware common people, after four years of co-governance with Edi Rama it will all have been your own mistake.