CoE and EU Announced Grants to Help Organisations Improve Freedom of Expression in Albania

The joint European Union/Council of Europe action on “Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media in Albania (JUFREX)”  has announced grants that will be given to four Albanian organisations: the School of Magistrates, the Bar Association, the Albanian Media Council, and Res Publica.

The Action, a part of the “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”, will support activities designed to strengthen the application of standards of Article 10 of European Convention on Human Rights and the jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rights in Albanian courts.

It will also contribute towards creating a media environment which is safer and more pluralistic while upholding professional and ethical standards.

The grant agreements will cover the period May 2020 to May 2022 and represent a continued and fruitful cooperation of the project from previous phase with these partners.

“This project is part of the continuous support of the Council of Europe not only for the Media Council but overall for the improvement of media freedom. This project will help us pick up the initiative of the Ethical Media Alliance which was interrupted by the pandemic, the lockdown and the hard conditions that befell the Albanian journalists and media. It will also help us work towards a specific goal, such as hate speech, which is one of the plagues of  public communication in Albania,” said head of the Albanian Media Council, Koloreto Cukali.