From: Exit News
Court Frees Former Socialist MP Arben Ndoka from House Arrest

The Court of Lezha has freed former socialist MP Arben Ndoka from house arrest on Monday. He will remain free during the case against him, with an obligation to appear before the court when required.

Arben Ndoka was arrested in October 2018, along with 12 other officials in Lezha. One month later, he was released from detention.

He stands  accused of forging documents and misappropriating properties in the city.

The group of officials suspected of misappropriating private properties was found during phone wiretaps of the Avdylaj Gang in Durres, who were accused of drug trafficking.

Ndoka’s brother, Xhevahir Ndoka, was arrested on the same day as part of the investigation into the Avdylaj Gang.