Court Returns Armored Car Seized by ‘Force of Law’ to Ex-Gang Leader 

From: Exit Staff
Court Returns Armored Car Seized by ‘Force of Law’ to Ex-Gang Leader 

The Special Anti-Corruption Court has returned his armored car, business licenses and stock ownership to a murder convict, Lulzim Berisha, after the “Force of Law” (OFL) special police operation had seized his assets in February 2020 on suspicion of being acquired through criminal activity, ACB News reported.

The court found that all the above assets seized by the OFL have been acquired through legal means.

Berisha is a former member of a notorious criminal gang in Durrës, who was sentenced to life in prison for forming a structured criminal group, five murders, drug trafficking and laundering the proceeds of criminal activity.

He was arrested in 2006, sentenced to life in prison in 2012 by the first instance and appeals court, his sentence was commuted to 25 years by the High Court in 2014, released in 2016. Released 10 years after his arrest, and having benefited three reductions in his sentence, the court counted Berisha’s time spent in prison as 19 years.

His release on probation was made possible after the court’s opinion that he had corrected his behavior, and thanks to a work contract at the Municipality of Durres offered by Mayor Vangjush Dako.

Read More: “Finally, the ‘Force of Law’ Meets the Force of Law”

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