From: Exit STtaf
COVID-19 Measures to Remain Unchanged

The Technical Committee of Experts met on Wednesday afternoon to re-evaluate the measures against COVID-19

In a statement to the press, the Committee stated that there would be no change in current measures, despite the numbers of positive cases decreasing.

Deputy Minister of Health, Mira Rakacolli said that the measures have been successful so far. due to the cooperation of the public, but also due to the successful vaccination campaign. She said that Albania is now first in the region for the pace of vaccinations.

Despite the achievements, the situation is not where it should be and for this reason, the curfew will remain in force from 20:00 to 06:00.

Universities and schools will conduct online tuition from home while university students due to take exams will learn on-site. Group gatherings of more than 10 people are banned, masks are mandatory in public places, and those coming from the UK must quarantine for two weeks.