Elvis Rroshi continues to exercise to the office of the Mayor of Kavaja, even though he has been formally dismissed by Prime Minister Rama. On February 20, Rroshi sent a letter in which he inform the chairman of the Central Election Commission (KQZ), Denar Biba, about the formation of Local Election Commission (KZAZ) 42. The letter is signed and stamped by Rroshi.
On December 29, 2016, the Council of Minister fired Rroshi for gross violation of the law, after the KQZ removed his mandate for violation of the decriminalization law. Despite these official decisions, Rroshi continues to act as mayor of Kavaja. He has started his campaign for the elections in June, and recently showed himself in public endorsed by Minister of Finance Arben Ahmetaj.
In the past Elvis Rroshi has been arrested for the falsification of documents and seals. On the decriminalization self-declaration form, he failed to mention that had been convicted in Italy for group rape in 1995.