Direct Foreign Investments, Rama vs. International Institutions

According to a statement of Prime Minister Edi Rama during the National Assembly of the Socialist Party,

Foreign investments arrived at the sum of one billion euro, placing Albania second in the region with respect to foreign investments.

However, if we read the international reports of recent years, the situation of foreign investments in the country is different from the one described by the Prime Minister.

According to the report of Standard and Poor’s, published in February 2017,

The risk for a decrease in direct foreign investments and loans in the coming years is high. The country needs to make an effort to attract new investments.

According to the Prosperity Index 2016, Albania is ranked 107th out of 149 countries worldwide as regards economic climate. Foreign investments are lacking because the infrastructure is weak and corruption high, according to the report.

Also the data from the World Bank show a drop in direct foreign investments after 2013:


This decrease is also supported by data provided by the Bank of Albania, published in June 2016:

Direct foreign investments show a decrease of 42% in the first trimester of the year 2016, compared to the same period in 2015.