From: Exit News
Dismissed Judge Besnik Muçi Demands Vetting Institution Members Be Dismissed

Former judge Besnik Muçi has demanded the Administrative Court dismiss the members of the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) and the Special Appeals Chamber (KPA).

In a lawsuit obtained by, Muçi has called the acts and procedures via which the judges of vetting institutions, KPK and KPA, have been appointed invalid.

Consequently, he demands that they be dismissed.

Besnik Muçi was confirmed for duty by the KPK. However, the Public Commissioner appealed the decision at the Special Appeal Chamber (KPA).

During the time the KPA was reviewing the decision, President Ilir Mera nominated Muçi to the Constitutional Court.

However, the KPA later found that he had “insufficiently and incorrectly declared his and his relatives’ assets,” and dismissed him.

Meta admitted that Muçi should withdraw, but the latter warned that he would continue his legal battle to be reappointed.