From: Exit News
Durrës Citizens Protest Disorganization around Earthquake Relief Grants

Dozens of Durrës citizens protested on August 6 outside the municipal building, denouncing that they still aren’t certain whether their residential buildings are inhabitable or not.

The protesters said that the municipality experts still haven’t told them whether their homes are inhabitable, if they will benefit from any grants, or if their homes have to be rebuilt all over again.

One of them said that experts from the Institute of Construction have deemed their apartment building as unsuitable to live in. However, the municipality has offered only 2.5 million ALL to each family, instead of offering to reconstruct the building.

Several others complained that the municipality interrupted their rent subsidies and they are unable to afford rent. One of them said that the money offered by the government is insufficient to purchase a new house.

8 months after the November 26 earthquake, hundreds of families are still unsure of what will happen to them. They don’t know whether they will receive new residences as part of the government’s relief promises, or whether they will be the ones responsible for finding a housing solution for themselves.