Dutch MPs: Albania Is Not Ready for Opening Negotiations

After German MPs, it seems the Netherlands, too, is pushing back against the European Commission’s Progress Report that recommended the opening of accession negotiations with Albania.

Eight Dutch MPs, who began today their official visit to Tirana, with the purpose of reviewing the government’s reforms, have declared that Albania is not ready for opening negotiations, the EC Progress Report notwithstanding.

The MPs from the main six Dutch political parties explained that fulfilling the five official conditions set by the European institutions is not enough to warrant opening EU accession negotiations. They declared that Albania needs to demonstrate the will to indict and prosecute crime and the corruption of high officials.

They also stressed that the increase of Albanian criminality in the Netherlands is concerning and does not help the country’s process of integration into the EU.

At the end of the visit, the MPs will draft a report for the Dutch parliament, on the basis of which the latter will vote for or against the European Commission’s recommendation for opening accession negotiations.

The Dutch MPs met today with Prime Minister Edi Rama, and, afterwards with Democratic Party leader Lulzim Basha, while other meetings are expected to follow tomorrow.