According to a report published by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Life in Transition, 73% of Albanian respondents think that the economic situation has worsened compared to four years ago, while around half of them are unhappy with the healthcare offered by the state through a series of expensive public–private partnerships.
The report was based on 1377 interviews held in 2016, and further contains the following findings:
- 70% of respondents think that the political situation has worsened compared to four years ago;
- 79% of respondents receiving welfare are unhappy about this public service;
- 63% of respondents are unhappy with the judicial system;
- 47% of respondents are unhappy with current quality of public healthcare. 56% is prepared to pay higher taxes if this would actually improve the quality of healthcare;
- Whereas about half of the respondents prefer a democracy and a market economy, 31% of them would prefer a planned economy or authoritarian regime;
- 75% of respondents think that emigrants are important contributors to the Albanian economy;
- 44% of respondents believe that the freedom of speech is protected;
- 77% of respondents are optimistic that their children will have a better life than them.