EU Ambassador Soreca Ignores OSCE, Supports National Theater “Tender”

EU Ambassador Luigi Soreca has once again failed to express himself in favor of Albanian civil society and support the rule of law and Aarhus Convention by accepting the tender procedure started by the Albanian government through the “Special Law” for the National Theater.

In a statement to the press Ambassador Soreca declared:

“Now we understand that a tender has been launched for the development of the project of the National Theater. It is important, I think, that clear and transparent criteria for the selection of the successful bidder are defined, and most importantly, that fair and free competition is ensured by the Albanian institutions.”

Soreca added that the National Theater issue “has been politicized” and that the important thing for the EU is for the rule of law to be respected. He further explained that the tender will be open until September 19, and that the important issue is the “free and fair competition” in it.

By accepting the tender issued by the Albanian government outside the regular tender procedures mandated by the Albanian law and in violation of the autonomy of local government enshrined in the Constitution, Ambassador Soreca has once again squarely supported the Rama government.

The tender will be won in September by Fusha shpk.

With this statement, Ambassador Soreca further neglects the concerns expressed by the Secretary General of the OSCE, Thomas Greminger, who stated last week:

“In view of the yesterday’s development, namely the President of the Republic filing a request to the Constitutional Court in regards to the special law on the construction of the new National Theatre building, all the parties should await the top Court’s ruling before proceeding further with this issue.”

Finally, Soreca once again fails to condemn the violence used by the State Police against the actors, directors, and citizens protecting the National Theater from expropriation and demolition.