The European Commission has recognized Albanian COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates as equivalent to its own digital certificate.
The decision was taken today and enters into force immediately. This means that Albanian certificates will be integrated into the EU’s digital system and be accepted as if they were issued by the EU.
Alongside Albania, the Commission also recognized the certificates issued by Andorra, Israel, Morocco, and Panama.
Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, said that 420 million certificates have been issued through the system to date and 42 countries, including 15 non-EU countries, take part in the EU Digital COVID Certificate system.
Albania currently has a low rate of vaccination, around 22% for two doses and 29% for one dose. The vaccines being used are Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, and Sputnik.
The situation regarding the number of cases in the country has been high over the last few weeks. Yesterday there were five deaths and 995 new cases confirmed with the majority in Tirana, followed by Shkodra, Durres, and Vlora. There are some 12,559 active cases nationwide.