Fatmir Xhafaj Denies Torture Allegations

Only after being decreed by President Nishani, the new Minister of Interior Affairs, Fatmir Xhafaj, felt the need to respond to the accusations made against him in the media.

During last week, several media and citizens have accused Xhafaj of violence and torture during his period as investigator in Kruja. In a press declaration, Xhafaj denied the accusations and called them “slander.”

As regards his relation to the international drug trafficking organization of his brother, Agron Xhafaj, he made no comment.

No day of my life did I serve in the structures of the State Security system and the Ministry of Interior of that period, nor in the investigation organs that were part of the Ministry of Interior. […]

An Albanian citizen who lives outside the country claims with ordered messages and telephone calls that in 1986 I would have violated or tortured him, in a year in which I have not been at all employed in the justice system of that time. In January of 1986 I have started work as youth director in Tirana and this fact has been documented. […]

The claims of a woman about violence against her and her brother during a criminal process are untrue. As far as I know, that criminal case has been judged and finished in the end of 1986, in the period in which I was no longer part of the justice system. […]

My nature as a person, my family and professional education, and my entire formation, has not had, doesn’t have, and will never have any relation with violence of whatever sort. […]

Everything that has been commented these days are simply lowly slander used in a political campaign undertaken against me.