Head and Deputy Head of Central Election Commission Elected by Parliament

Following the approval of changes to the Electoral Code, the Parliamentary Assembly eleccted former Socialist minister Ilirian Celibashi as thee Head of the Central Election Commission for the next seven years.

He was elected with 106 votes in favour by the Socialist Majority and the Parliamentary Oppsition after being proposed by the Socialist Party.

Celibashi previously headed the CEC during 2001-2006. In 2013, he was elected as a Socialist Party MP and then appointed as a Minister for Relations with Parliament.

Also elected was the Deputy Commissioner of the CEC, the second most important position in the Commission.

Lealba Pelinku was elected with 105 votes from the Socialist Party majority and the parliamentary opposition. She was proposed by the Democratic Party and previously headed their Anti-Corruption Department.

The Assembly also elected members of the Election Regulatory Commission. They are as follows: Ilirjana Nano, Dritan Caka, Arens Cela, Muharrem Cakaj, and Helga Vukaj.

Members of the Complaints and Sanctions Committee will be: Ilirjan Rusmali, Elvin Lako, Koli Bele, Elvis Cefa, and Ledio Braho.